Sunday, June 3, 2007

The luck continues

There was a good $300/600 game going that I couldn't resist given how well things have been going and how i felt and how good it was so I played. I played a little $500/1000 when I was in LA in march but I only had $200/400 of myself and given how much $400 buy-in NL and 15/30 I've been playing lately it was a big step up. I gave it much focus and I was really happy with my play in general. Won half a rack and wasn't all the way feeling it and the game wasn't playing super great so I quit to play a 4 handed 100/200 game.

Dan Druff was majorly steaming and out of chips and playing with cash and when the last guy left it was me and him and he woulda played HUHU but said the fact they need to use the shuffle machines instead of a hand shuffle had him on too much tilt that he had to quit. Dammit.

I played an hour or so of 2 tabling $30/60 online today and it went really well. I don't get what people's deal is...they try SOOOOOOOOO hard to bluff me it's sick. Playing 2 tables it's so easy to pick up on. I think that was part of my problem, playing more tables I'd have no idea with the individual reads.

So...4 days, 4 wins. I don't even feel like playing right now so I came up here to just kinda hang out. I wasn't even really planning on playing today but schneider kinda talked me into it. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring but I think I'm golfing on monday with Doug (gonores).

For now...some relaxation.

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